Friday, October 29, 2010

Let's see, what can I tell you about myself?
First off, I love pearls.
I love rain.
I love old things.
I love old books.
I love movies.
I love sweaters.
I love dreary anything...dreary days, music, you name it...I love it.
I love pictures.
I love freedom; freedom from schedules and chaos.
I love being outside in God's glory...especially in the fall.

I love Friday nights!
I think I may go and read right now.
Well, hello there!
So, this is the official first post of my thoughts.
I think the main reason I started this was to focus on writing and to get my thoughts out in writing. I wanted to create something...anything. I hope that as you read this you enjoy yourself, and find a little happiness amidst your day.