Sunday, December 9, 2012
so, it's snowing and it is the end of the semester, which means i'm done and don't really care about school anymore. this is a big problem because all i really want to do is watch christmas movies, drink hot chocolate, and snuggle down under a quilt. instead, i need to do some research first and then actually write my research paper today. ugh. anyways, the snow is beautiful and after tuesday, i will be almost done, with the bulk at least! happy snow day!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Monday, November 12, 2012
a little wisdom my roommate shared with me today. we are attempting to finish this semester without complaining and to be truly thankful for the bounty we have been given.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Some nights.
i registered for classes tonight. there are perks to being an upperclassman. for once, i got into everyone of the classes i needed. thank heaven because i did not even have a plan b. tonight when i was meeting one of the nursing students, she took one look around our living room and told me i was creative. i love being told that. after she said that she realized she hadn't even introduced herself. it went like this. katie, my roommate, said, "this is my roommate, gretchen. she's the one that made all of this." [apparently they had been talking about my stuff before i came into the living room.] i said, "hi!" and she responded, "you're creative, oh, i'm rachael by the way." ha. it's the small things that count.
some nights i need to do something creative. i couldn't focus earlier as i was trying to read and decided to make something and switch some things around in my room. having done that, i could then focus once again on sitting bull. good thing i have found an outlet! i'm getting impatient for brookie and eric to find a house. all i want to do is paint and decorate and living in a dorm, what i can do is minimal. oh well, i'll find something to change around soon.
last weekend i went to chicago. a few friends from this area and i took off to spend some much needed time with more friends in illinois. so glad it all worked out. i hadn't realized how much i missed some of my friends and how great it was to finally get to talk to them face to face. friends are such a blessing.
i started a new book list. ever since college, i hadn't made a new one, so hopefully in the near future i will be able to tackle my list. so far, mere christianity and axiom. when i was in junior high i attempted reading mere christianity. the problem was that it was way over my head and i never have gotten back to it. axiom is a book we read a few chapters out of at camp this past summer. it is written by bill hybels and i really enjoyed it because it offered such wisdom in a few pages. hopefully one day i will have time to read the books i want.
for diana's final paper, she assigned us to pick an author from the 19th century and analyze what was important in their time from their perspective. in diana's classes we do this sort of assignment quite a bit, but we usually all read the same book. this time around, we choose individually. i chose Hope, Leslie by catharine maria sedgwick. i don't really know much about her except that she had more of a conservative view on women's rights during her lifetime. usually history courses only focus in on progressive women, so it will be interesting to see how she views her position in life. i'm kind of excited for this paper. crazy? most likely.
wow, i didn't realize i had so much to say.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
lately, i looked through some of my old posts and i was reading the one right before i headed off to camp. i had four very specific requests and now that i look back, i can see how God really fulfilled every one of those requests, even when i didn't notice it.
p.s. october is another blessing. it really is the best month of the year!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Sunday and someday.
hello friends. don't you just love sundays? they always seem to be sunny and beautiful. this morning my roommate, carly, and i got up and baked; carly, some banana bread muffins and me, some carmel rolls to have with our morning coffee. we both just wanted to bake, decorate, and clean our little home all day, but no such luck, homework beckons.
Friday, September 7, 2012
A day for encouragement.
one night this past summer, a friend of mine at camp and i were sitting on top of the climbing tower talking. she played this song for me and i fell in love with it. right at that moment, listening to this song, all was well with the world and i get that feeling each time i listen to it. i hope you enjoy it as much as i have within the last few days and even when life gets stressful and busy, remember that there is a much bigger picture.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Books: a love, hate relationship.
Friday, June 8, 2012
And i'm off...again!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Life right now.
as i sit in my living room, trying to muster up the energy to actually start a paper and listening to my roommate play her guitar, i am realizing that life is good right now. even though i had no idea how everything was going to get accomplished these last three weeks of school, i have realized that i do not need to worry. in the end, everything always works out, so that is not on my mind so much tonight. today was spent with some of my siblings, their families, and my parents. we enjoyed each other's company, ate great food, and had a lovely campfire complete with the first s'mores for the summer. it was a lovely prelude to this summer.
i feel like i am in a weird stage of life where everyone is starting to move on with their lives and going after their dreams; i don't really know where i am heading right now, but that's okay. we don't always need to know where we are heading as long as we are enjoying the ride. so, that's what i am doing right now. also, most of my friends are older than me, so that makes a difference too and i need to remember that.
i actually started running again. more consistently rather than sporadically like i have been doing this spring. i don't really like running unless it is a race. i need a running partner. exciting news: i got new running shoes today. so happy. some more exciting news: my toe, that i hurt last summer, is now fixed since i went back to the doctor to have it looked at again. so happy. last exciting news: the doctor also fixed my wrist that has been hurting. what did he do, you ask? he just popped a bone back into place. all that pain, for nothing. oh well, it isn't the beginning of arthritis, which both mama and i were worried about, so that's good.
i feel like i am rambling.
music is powerful. i have always known that, but there is just something about a song that can comfort you like nothing else. i think instead of starting this paper, i should just go lie in my bed and listen to some music and maybe read a fun book. or better yet, i will write. i haven't done that for awhile. yep, i am going to.
good night.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
A Few Good Days.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
checked out.
Monday, February 27, 2012
tonight has been grand.

Monday, February 6, 2012
Hodge Podge.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
Mornings and School.
i just love early mornings. When i am the only one up and i can smell the coffee brewing, it just makes me so happy and content. My roommates get up shortly after i do for their 8:00 class, but i just need a few minutes by myself. This morning was exceptionally great. i was ready to head out to the high school class i have been observing, and had some time to just sit, read, and drink my coffee while watching the snow coming down outside. It is so much cozier when it is still dark out and the lamps are on; it makes you feel so content to sit in a warm living room while watching the snow come down. That is also why i love nighttime as well; that feeling of being home where it is oh so warm and cozy is the best feeling in the world for me.
With only three days left in my junior world studies class, i have decided that i have really enjoyed it. At first, i was scared that they would seem like they were my age and that i would not be adequate enough to be teaching in a high school classroom setting, but it has been surprising. They actually seem really young. i mean, really young and i have never had a hard time answering their questions. i have been shocked at how much detail i can remember certain events, so that has been a big relief for me.
Highlight of today: The students have been taking semester tests and they were not in my classroom at all today. The teacher and i were just correcting tests and he had been looking for a video to show to his senior class next semester. Well, he came across a video that was made by a student that used to cheat and the purpose of the video was to tell kids not to cheat, but he actually told how he used to do it, so i am not sure if it is actually the most effective video, but it was so funny. My cooperating teacher and i actually watched it twice and completely cracked up both times. It was phenomenal. Maybe it was funnier in the context of my classroom makeup, regardless, it was stinkin’ funny.