tonight has been grand.
nothing happened; it was true bliss. after leaving my room at 7:30 this morning, i finally was able to come home by 6:30ish. this week is the week of tests; i had a ten page paper that was due this morning for my Classics in Western Political Philosophies class (it may just be the hardest paper i have ever written), a test this morning, a test wednesday morning, and one on friday. like i said, it is the week of tests, but that also means not too much homework. so many things happened today that confirmed that i am doing what i am supposed to be doing and that is always a welcome feeling. after much thought, i have decided to drop the education part of my degree; i have spent time talking to my much admired professor, diana, about it as well as one of my new favorite profs, the distinguished intellectual, gordon william carlson, who is retiring this spring after 40 years of teaching at bethel. he's quite the fellow. i decided that i am passionate about history; i have been since i was a little girl, and so i have decided to pursue only history and a political science minor since i am already half ways there...and maybe one day go to grad school. yikes. i also realized that i am not passionate about teaching per se, but i do love helping people/talking about history and hearing/telling stories. so what am i going to do, you ask? i'm going to work at a dream since i was at least an eighth grader and maybe even earlier. i have had wonderful teachers that have believed in me from the start and they have talked to me about this with complete faith in me to make something amazing.

today, as i walked into g.w.'s office, he looked up at me (let me remind you that i have only met him four weeks ago and he and i are just becoming friends)(also, we get along g.w. and i. i am an old soul and he is an old man)and said, "well, how is my brilliant scholar doing today?" i think he likes me because i'll always sit and listen to him talk after class as everyone else rushes out. this man dearly loves to hear himself speak and i dearly love to listen. :) anyways, i also met with a career counselor this afternoon. i made an appointment after one of my roommates boasted of the great staff that helped her figure out all her major stuff. i took a personality test and guess what the top two jobs were? it was too perfect, my results came back that people with my similar results were either a curator or an archivist. so, that's what i am going to do.
i have decided that one of the first big purchases that i will buy is going to be camping stuff. two of my friends and i have this plan to just jump in a car one weekend and drive north, pitch a tent somewhere, hike and explore, and just sit by a fire, drinking warm things and reading lovely scribblings. yep, we are going to do it. this weekend, for funsies, two of my roommates and i went and hung out at r.e.i. Bad decision. i left with a backpack that is also like a nice daypack for hiking and other sweet things. it's so cool, so now i want to go hiking even more than ever. oh, the reigns of college that hold me back! not really, but it would be nice to just be able to leave. not that i think that i will be able to do that when i am a "real" adult however. :) i think that's it for tonight.
now that i have four less credits, i will try to actually post more.
good night.
oh, also here is a picture for annie flaunting my new necklace that came in the sweetest little parcel today.