Monday, September 16, 2013


I haven't been writing as much, but that may be a good thing as I have become increasingly more involved with department things, new friendships (as well as old), and Bethel life altogether. This fall I am working on my senior seminar. That is a class that each major has at Bethel, but they all consist of slightly different content. For History, I use this semester for independent research, write a 30 page paper, and present my research to the entire History faculty, along with students, family, and friends. It used to terrify me, but it's a good thing. The intent is that it gives you undergraduate experience to prepare you for grad school. yikes... I am ecstatic though because I have a topic and it is actually something I am very excited to research...and it may even provide me with a job after school!

My topic is department stores in the early 20th century and class/gender relations between the women working and the women consuming, with a focus on the department store, Dayton's, which opened in Minneapolis. Suffice it to say, there is a wealth of information here for me to dig through. I am very thankful. A few of my professors have come up to at different times and told me that this research could wind up landing me a job; Target came out of Dayton's and as all know (which I didn't know), big corporations always have an archivist. For my research I will be contacting Target Corporation to dig through their archives and hopefully it could turn into something much greater than findings for my research. Who knows what will come of this! Regardless if this could turn into a job, I am very excited the things I am learning.

At the same time, I am trying to keep life in perspective; school is important, but it is not the only thing in my life. This weekend I was able to go camping with quite a few of my siblings and their families and we had a great time. I love that most of them are so close and I can be a part of their individual families and see their little kiddo's grow up.

Another blessing in my life are my roommates. How awesome is it to be surrounded by people that are excited for me and the things that are exciting to me! I love sharing life with these two wonderful women. Our little apartment is becoming such a lovely little home to come back to as we grow evermore closer.

On a side note: Since I live in an apartment, we cook all of our own meals. I'm tired of what I cook. If any of you have some solid go to meals, share them! Sometimes I think the hardest part of cooking, is simply figuring out what to cook.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

So Sweet.

While at home, I finished working my way through the bundle of letters that my grandma saved from her correspondence with my grandfather. While the letters are not too full of meaningful information, my grandpa, Harvey, did include this dried tiger lily. After 87 years the lily is still intact. It was so beautiful.

I'm learning how important it is to document your life, may that be in writing or pictures, stories are important. Seasons of life are important and show how people change and grow. I am starting my final year of college and I am amazed at how much I have changed in these past few years. As I look back at past posts or read through old journals of mine, I am beginning to realize the seasons God has taken me through to create in me His purposes for my life. I love the concept of having purpose in life and that God has a calling on every person and even though those callings may change, he is constantly shaping you for the next thing. That is why stories are important. Most times we do not notice or remember where we started. Instead we should be mindful in order to continue moving forward in each new season of life. That is all.