Alright, this might be sort of a long one since it has been so long and I have had so much to write about, but I have been simply too busy to do anything I have really wanted to do. I titled this post blessed because I have been realizing how blessed I really am. It has been quite a difficult time since I last posted just with school, work, and my confidence in myself, but despite all that, I am surrounded by people that love me and constantly show me that. Today, as I was working on a writing assignment, I became super overwhelmed with everything I had to accomplish before my morning classes tomorrow. I was feeling anxious like I just needed to get outside and take a walk by myself, but I didn't see how that was possible with everything I needed to do. Out of exasperation, I walked into my roommate's room to talk about how ridiculous it was that my 2000 word response was only worth 10 points and it was stressing me out like crazy that I was sure it had to be worth more. Anyways, I vented to her and before I knew it, I was crying uncontrollably and just venting about everything that had been stressing me out and had been bottled up for a few weeks. My roommate, Emily, is great. She just sat there, when she had homework too, and listened and prayed for me. That helped so much just to know that I had someone there who genuinely cared about me and what I was going through. Yesterday a similar incident, well not so similar, happened. I received a letter in the mail from Brookie that was the best encouraging note I could have ever received. It was exactly what I needed to make it through the rest of my day. Talking to my sister, Virginia, this last weekend also helped just to hear a familiar voice and someone that I really look up to as well. Some verses that have been helping me to get through my struggles are Habukkuk 3:17-18. I have listed that verse earlier on here, but it is one that I am constantly going to and constantly reminding myself of it. It is really a great couple of verses. Another one my roommate shared with me today was Psalm 62:5-9 which is also amazing. And yet another right at the top of my blog, Psalm 30:5b. How blessed we are to be surrounded by people and to be so loved by God that we don't need to find our confidence and love from anyone or anything but Him.
So, on another note. I got to go home two weekends ago and it was so relaxing and wonderful to be there. I hardly left my house, but that was really all I needed to get rejuvenated. That is a picture of the home I love so much up at the top. The whole weekend all I did was cleaned (which I love), baked, watched Gilmore Girls late into the night with my mama, went on a picnic with mother dear and my aunt Jeanie, church at the little church in Alsen complete with a potluck, and that pretty much sums it up. Last weekend then, I was at school and I worked the entire weekend, which was sort of nice. I got extra hours and completed a ton of homework for the next two weeks! So that made me feel accomplished. I love when I can have a list of things I need to do and can just quickly go through them checking one thing off after another. I think that is why I love cleaning so much, you can see the results right away and that just makes you want to accomplish more.
I seriously planned on writing more, but I really need to get to bed. One last note, I have slept so much in the last day it is ridiculous. I went to bed last night at like 10:30 to read and fell asleep by 11 when I don't need to be up until 8:00ish. Then all day I was practically falling asleep in every class...so I came back after lunch at 2:30 and slept until 4:15! To which then I woke up and was stressing about my history homework because I hadn't planned on sleeping that long and had completely slept through my alarm. I guess I needed it! Anyways, I really need to get to bed. I hope that you all have a blessed day and that you see God's goodness through every little thing, the storms and the joys. Good night.
Oh Gretchen, I love you sooo much! Thanks for sharing your heart.