Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I'm feelin' this lately. This interim i will start my introduction to education classes and am sort of nervous that i will find out that teaching is not for me, which would result in utter loss of what to do with my life. The more i think about my idea of a book/coffee/antique store, the harder it is to get it out of my head. That store is my dream job. Who knows, maybe it will happen someday.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sweet Louise.

I went with Brookie yesterday to run some errands and to just hangout and she introduced me to this band that opened for Blitzen Trapper and Dawes. They are fantastic. Seriously, I can't stop listening to them. If you need some car dancin' music, here you go! Here is just the first song from the album, but they are all simply, darling. Have a listen...

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I am feeling irrational and nonsensical.

Today I am writing a major paper for my history class. There have been many times when I have planned my weekends to get homework done, but let's face it...I can't do much on Saturdays. I am convinced that Saturdays were not meant for homework; they were designed to take a break, have fun, and watch movies. I physically have a hard time actually doing homework. Oh man...

This paper that I am writing is a paper comparing and contrasting two early American colonies. First off, I hate comparing and contrasting. It's stupid. (me being irrational) Second, I am having a hard time getting the religious and economic side to run smoothly. I have all these ideas in my head, but cannot get them out in a manner that actually makes sense. Like, did you know that one of the main reasons the Great Awakening was so powerful, was that George Whitefield was able to advertise and cheaply produce his written works so that people showed up for his sermons? And he didn't do too well in the south because, well they were Anglican, and most of the people did not read or write and were too spread apart to have thousands come together to listen to him. Fascinating. Anyways, I will quit boring you with all this talk of the economy in the 1700s.

These next two weeks are going to be hectic and it is times like this that I wish that I could quit school and do something fascinating with my life. Oh well, it is snowing and I would quickly go for a night by a fireplace while reading instead of this. In two weeks I can! Oh happiness.