Wednesday, May 16, 2012


that it will never

come again is what

makes life so 


-Emily Dickinson

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Life right now.

as i sit in my living room, trying to muster up the energy to actually start a paper and listening to my roommate play her guitar, i am realizing that life is good right now. even though i had no idea how everything was going to get accomplished these last three weeks of school, i have realized that i do not need to worry. in  the end, everything always works out, so that is not on my mind so much tonight. today was spent with some of my siblings, their families, and my parents. we enjoyed each other's company, ate great food, and had a lovely campfire complete with the first s'mores for the summer. it was a lovely prelude to this summer.

 i feel like i am in a weird stage of life where everyone is starting to move on with their lives and going after their dreams; i don't really know where i am heading right now, but that's okay. we don't always need to know where we are heading as long as we are enjoying the ride. so, that's what i am doing right now. also, most of my friends are older than me, so that makes a difference too and i need to remember that.

i actually started running again. more consistently rather than sporadically like i have been doing this spring. i don't really like running unless it is a race. i need a running partner. exciting news: i got new running shoes today. so happy. some more exciting news: my toe, that i hurt last summer, is now fixed since i went back to the doctor to have it looked at again. so happy. last exciting news: the doctor also fixed my wrist that has been hurting. what did he do, you ask? he just popped a bone back into place. all that pain, for nothing. oh well, it isn't the beginning of arthritis, which both mama and i were worried about, so that's good.

i feel like i am rambling.

music is powerful. i have always known that, but there is just something about a song that can comfort you like nothing else. i think instead of starting this paper, i should just go lie in my bed and listen to some music and maybe read a fun book. or better yet, i will write. i haven't done that for awhile. yep, i am going to. 

good night.